Preset or Batch Controllers

Preset or Batch Controllers

The MultiLoad II is Preset/Batch Controller designed to manage multiple loading arms delivering straight or blended products. The system can operate in conjunction with the Toptech TMS system (remote processing mode), in Local (standalone) mode or connected to the cloud (UAP Mode). The MultiLoad II supports:

12 loading arms
5 meters per loading arm, 6 component ratio blending.
8 components per loading arm, 8 components sequential blending.
Sequential, Ratio and Side-stream blending.(proportional as non-proportional blending)
Watercut calculation
16 additive injectors per loading arm
4 samplers per loading arm
Digital, two stage, and Analog 4-20mA control valves
RTD temperature inputs
4-20 ma input for either density, relative density, api gravity, pressure , bsw or watercut
Ethernet communications
Ethernet printing

MultiLoad II Single Meter Preset (SMP) is an economical package, designed to support single load arm/single meter applications. The system can operate in conjunction with the Toptech TMS system (remote processing mode) , in Local (standalone) Mode or in UAP (TDS) Mode. The MultiLoad II SMP supports:

1 loading arm
1 meter
8 components (different meter factors for each product)
No blending and no watercut.
2 additive injectors
4 samplers per loading arm
Digital, two stage, and Analog 4-20mA control valves
RTD temperature input
4-20 ma input for either density, relative density, api gravity, pressure or bsw
Ethernet communications
Ethernet printing

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